Ziyeza Izingqungqulu

Sabelo Mthembu sent a message to Christian Themba Msimang.

Christian Themba Msimang
Sabelo Mthembu
Ziyeza Izingqungqulu
Jan. 19, 2024, 12:23 a.m.
Dear Thabizolo

My name is Sabelo Mthembu and I am a choral conducting student at the Michigan State University. I am conducting research on the music of SBP Mnomiya. I am particularly looking at a piece called Ziyeza Izingqungqulu, for which you are listed as the lyricist. I have a few questions on the words/lyrics:
1. When were the words written? Were they from a poem? If so, what is the title?
2. Was it for a collaboration or did Mnomiya elect to use your text/poem to set music to it?
3. What is the text specifically about? Interpretation. It sounds like text that celebrates tourism in South Africa. Is that the case?
4. Could you tell me more about your relationship with Mnomiya?

I look forward to your response.

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