Your statement about wild animals is factually incorrect

Samantha Hernandez sent a message to Makoti Sibongile Khawula.

Makoti Sibongile Khawula
Samantha Hernandez
Your statement about wild animals is factually incorrect
May 12, 2020, 1:28 p.m.
I refer to your statement below from a PMG meeting on 'Maritime Governance and Sustainable Development', 10 March 2020.

[Ms M Khawula (EFF) asked several questions in isiZulu which were interpreted as follows]:

"What is so important between human beings and wild animals? Most of the time when a wild animal is killed, there is news all over but when the animal kills a human being, it is business as usual as what happened in Jozini...what is the DEFF doing about animals polluting the water people need for domestic use?"

When an animal kills a human, that animal -- along with other members of their species -- are typically and indiscriminately killed in retribution. Humans kill millions of wild-living animals without repercussion. There is rarely, if ever, 'news all over' that could possibly cover even a tiny fraction of the violence meted out by humans against animals.

As for water polluted by animals: If humans stopped breeding them into existence in order to kill them, the water would not be polluted. In fact, the leading cause behind freshwater pollution, toxic algae bloom and ocean dead zones is animal agriculture.

Your contempt for animals is saddening.

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