Your appalling debating skills
Denise sent a message to Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam.
- To
Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam
- From
- Subject
- Your appalling debating skills
- Date
- Feb. 28, 2018, 10:58 p.m.
Dear Sir
I am an avid follower of parliament, especially when it comes to debating certain topics. Why are you a member of an opposition party? You should rather resign from the NFP and join the ANC because you always find fault with the other opposition parties and take sides with the ANC. instead of holding the ANC cabinet to account. The health department in KZN especially oncology is in tatters. Thousands of cancer patients who cannot receive treatment (from children to adults) are lying around waiting to die.(watch the most recent Carte Blanch program) I am a cancer survivor. I live in the Western Cape and take part in CANCA relays where i meet other cancer survivors who have received their treatment through private and government and ALL have spoken of the wonderful care and treatment they received (weather private or GOVERNMENT) There are thousands in KZN BEING TURNED AWAY FROM RECEIVING TREATMENT and you tell us of one person in Cape Town who could not receive treatment because of their age (maybe because of their age and stage of their cancer treatment would have been the wrong path to follow) WHAT A WEAK DEBATING POINT.
I listen to all the debates and even though i do not agree with everyones view points i do agree with a good debate point that makes me listen and think on what that parliamentarian has said. Unfortunately
when you get to the podium I always wonder what silly point you are going to bring up that destroys the rest of your debate. Please resign from the NFP and join the ANC so that the NFP as an opposition party does not look so week in parliment'
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