
Radhs sent a message to Emma Louise Powell.

Emma Louise Powell
March 18, 2022, 8:32 p.m.
Dear Ms Powell Thank you for your explosive coverage on Community Schemes Ombud issues I commend u for explicitly explaining the corrupt practices that have been plaguing many home owners since the birth of these shared living spaces. (Sectional Title Schemes and Home Owners Association)
I would however, appreciate an explanation on why the Democratic Alliance has been silent and playing ignorant for many years even after receiving several emails from desperate owners. The abuse criminality and financial corruption and racism is appalling to say the least EMAILS SENT to Dromocratic Alliance ON 02/07/2019; 14/07/2019 AND 08/04/2019 A desperate owner begged for your attention to no avail. What is most astounding is the perpetuating legal battles that owners have faced at the hands of these racist vile bunch - many families displaced, loosing their homes and life's savings.
You do understand that this is a massive syndicate operating under the auspices of NAMA national agents for managing agents. I therefore direct you to www.knowyoursyndicates.... com and hope u include every detailed finding
of evidence into ur "dossier" Further to keep us abreast of all progressive milestones regarding this serious matter

I.will further include the links. Kindest regards
Emma Louise Powell
March 23, 2022, 12:22 p.m.
Dear Sir/Madam,

May you kindly direct your correspondence to my email address
and I will contact you via telephone to discuss
directly how we can assist further.

Emma Powell MP