World Health Organisation

Thelna de Kock sent a message to Kenneth Raselabe Joseph Meshoe, Gayton Mc Kenzie and Steve Swart.

Kenneth Raselabe Joseph Meshoe, Gayton Mc Kenzie, Steve Swart
Thelna de Kock
World Health Organisation
Sept. 24, 2024, 9:38 a.m.
Dear Stacy-Lee, Mr Gayton McKenzie, Mr Steven Swart and Mr Kenneth Meshoe

2020 was a big eye opener for me. It’s quite sad that so many have forgotten how the WHO took our freedom away. We all know that they are not done and the next “plandemic” is not far away. I write to you today to ask for your help to fight against the WHO. Say no to any medical procedures forced upon our sovereign bodies. Our bodily integrity and autonomous moral agency entitles us to refuse medical treatment. Lady and gentlemen, you are now our only hope for South Africa . God Bless

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