Women abuse

Thembelihle sent a message to Bheki Cele.

Bheki Cele
Women abuse
March 30, 2018, 7:11 p.m.
I am a girl at the age of 23. I got beaten by a guy who was asking for love and I didn't want to love him. He beat m so badly on monday night. I tried to open a case and police didn't arrest him...he took my phones and damage the one. I want him to be arrest for beating me but the pinetown police station didn't help me to get justice..I am unable to eat because of the damage. Please help me to get justice. I am a student and I use my phones to do research and send emails but now am suffering...

Here is my contact detail

Bheki Cele
April 11, 2018, 10:40 a.m.
Good day

Please note that Sharon have moved to SAPS her new contact is <mailto:> If you need assistance from DAFF contact <mailto:>

Kind regards