Well Done for caring, it goes a long way.

Neil williams sent a message to Veronica Van Dyk.

Veronica Van Dyk
Neil williams
Well Done for caring, it goes a long way.
March 29, 2018, 5:52 p.m.
Dearest Veronica. A big THANK YOU for organising the ambulance for a dear friend Brian Benetto's brother Alan Benetto's. Thanks for caring, It goes along way. I read this in a Facebook post from Brian himself about the ambulance leaving without picking up Alan which is bedridden because they didn't want to climb over the 4 foot fence. Good news travels and my heart is warmed up that good people still exist and willing to go the extra mile, DA definitely gets my vote, as there is a caring culture in the organisation. Well done...I read that article and it blew me away. I am sitting on a train going home from London (i am from cape town originally) and thought I would write you a letter to personally thank you. Keep up the good work. Regards Neil Williams

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