Lynn Herbst sent a message to Ashor Sarupen.

Ashor Sarupen
Lynn Herbst
Nov. 12, 2021, 3 p.m.
During elections I never saw ONE DA presence anywhere in Springs. Please send out a list of names and contact numbers for the wards in Springs.
Ashor Sarupen
Nov. 15, 2021, 3:58 p.m.
Dear Lynn,

Please e-mail me directly with your residential suburb so I can locate if you are in an ANC or DA ward.

The DA was out in full force in Springs, but we unfortunately had to ensure that we were COVID compliant in terms of the sizes of our gatherings, etc.

You can e-mail me on and I will assist.

Kind Regards,

On 2021/11/15, 15:56, "Lynn Herbst" <south-africa-> wrote:

Dear Ashor Sarupen

Lynn Herbst has sent you the following message via People's Assembly (https://u2593534.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=MONpeGXgClPosasROx0aJBJX15S-2Bmx9cs7RyOKRaib-2FlXRciq0r4ycerxdxOtudJN3az_2Bm8LFjDkJF2fAuyqnbwVmFTUUYzgKKCg9IGLfB3NTmewd51wNcv0v-2FHnFq-2B4L-2Beb3WsiiyK-2FDRWZlmbtJjeHb1GcxsNlF1FK0PaabKdbOj4MU-2FAbZ6VBuZTLWWDZ6PPwSh247DakVYCfoCHImjgL8ZEZqI6cLTPXK6zP-2F9L89xzDIRu9c-2FSAQ3xm6NnZotwOY4WmzWOs2dmhKclQbQq0w-3D-3D

During elections I never saw ONE DA presence anywhere in Springs.
Please send out a list of names and contact numbers for the wards
in Springs.

You should respond to Lynn Herbst by replying to this email.

** IMPORTANT ** Note that, as well as being sent to Lynn Herbst, your response will be published on the People's Assembly website, where it will be public and visible to anyone.

If there’s a better email address for you, please let us know at , where we’ll also be happy to answer any questions or problems.