Views - Victim centric justice system

Nkoskhona Ngozo sent a message to Tshilidzi Bethuel Munyai.

Tshilidzi Bethuel Munyai
Nkoskhona Ngozo
Views - Victim centric justice system
Oct. 12, 2022, 11:11 a.m.
Dear Mr Tshilidzi

I am very interested in Criminal Justice System and all issues that affects our communities.I am concerned about the fact that in our communities there is no victims friendly centres that allows the victims to get the treatment they need like Psychological, Social work , Programmes and activities that help them to heal from the harm they suffer as Offenders do get such treatment.

My concern is that these might rise the public perception that the democratic government or ANC is in favour of criminals than victims and it also give a rise to crime since some of the victims tend to use wrong ways to cope with their stress, some frequently become perpetrators of either rebutive violence in the domestic sphere as their remain untreated and promote GBVF,and others endup not having bright future as they get affected.

Please tell me to whom can I raise my suggestion on how do I think the Criminal Justice stakeholders and the ruling part can collaborate to get justice more victim centric.

NW Ngozo

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