
Arthur Buti mamapule sent a message to Omphile Mankoba Confidence Maotwe.

Omphile Mankoba Confidence Maotwe
Arthur Buti mamapule
Dec. 17, 2020, 9:21 p.m.
Good day office of eff I have been beaten by 12congo guys I was from bothaville for church service when I entered where I rented I found 12guys drinking beers and drugs when I arrived they called me fucken Tswana ididnt say word my girlfriend told me to go I'll come late to avoid them I then leave go to my church members to avoid the Congo's around seven my church member took me half way until to my room we were four those Congo's they come and fight with us inside my at front of my 5yrbabygirl her mother escaped with the baby when iGo to Lenasia police they insult me I then tried to call president hot line I didn't get help I went to Lenz police station they insult me the police I said I will call office of President after 7days they apprehend one guy still day night they were busy knocking at my door when I cal Lenasia police they say keatena even now those congo guys they are still outside so I need help and is not for the firsttime I report them even address Lenasia koedoestreet17 I'm at Klerksdorp now just for my baby sake 0760102495 my contact and they smoke drugs even a hot water they used to fight with us when u use hot water before them even outside light for 3yrs struggling with lights and they have silver Hyundai disc says 2018 5 yly398

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