
Franscois sent a message to Narend Singh.

Narend Singh
Sept. 9, 2021, 9:20 p.m.
Mr Singh, could you please respect all South African citizens right to freedom of speech and association, constitutional freedoms etc. It is each South African’s right to make decisions on their own medical health and for their loved one’s. You have no right to advocate for any unproven medical product to be mandated. Bring the proof of all your claims, in an open public format, to be debated. You can take you new world order agenda somewhere else. You are clearly way out of your depth on this matter. Your authoritarian tendencies are not welcome in a free country, and we will definitely oppose any of your future endeavours. We have been bombarded since March 2020 with this fear campaign, offering only one solution as could be expected. We are not blind to this international authoritarian power grab from the elites. An agenda was clearly visible from day 1.

Future replies will be published here.