Urgent assistance required: Waiting 2 years for a Unabridged birth certificate

Conrad Redelinghuys sent a message to Archibold Mzuvukile Figlan.

Archibold Mzuvukile Figlan
Conrad Redelinghuys
Urgent assistance required: Waiting 2 years for a Unabridged birth certificate
March 7, 2018, 9:57 p.m.
Good day

This is one of many letters over the last year, which I sent to every person who's email I could find on the internet of the dept of Home Affairs

Please could you assist with this.

My last attempt today as below Quote:

For the attention of the Office of the Minister of Home Affairs.

This is not my first attempt to appeal for interference in this matter. I have tried all avenues for two years now to get this resolved. Could someone please send a recognition of receipt of this email.

The call reference number from the Presidential Hotline is: INC000018860858

Current status on the Home Affairs system:
ID NUMBER..... 0308295689084 SMS SEND DATE 1... 20171206
NAME.......... CONRAD WERNER SMS SEND DATE 2... 20180301

---- ---- ------- ------ ---------
2016-04-07 12:15 YHY230 REQUEST LOGGED ON SYSTEM
2016-04-08 07:52 YBD209 REQUEST RECEIVED AT H.O.
2017-11-22 08:52 YAX422 NO RECORDS FOUND: SUBMIT A DHA 24 AN
2017-12-06 07:46 YAX422 NO RECORDS FOUND: SUBMIT A DHA24 AND
2018-03-01 11:03 YBD851 NO RECORDS FOUND:

I applied for an Unabridged Birth Certificate on 2016-04-06 at the Uitenhage office. Since this we have moved to the Western Cape. In November 2017, I received a SMS notification requesting further documents. These documents have been submitted on a number of occasions and the latest being at the Vredenburg office on Monday 5th March 2018. Numerous attempts to follow up on this have brought me nowhere.

I end up in an endless loop between the national call centre and the office in Vredenburg. It appears that these documents do not reach the head office. Now I am told even though the processing has not been done. That I will have to travel to the Eastern Cape (Nearly a 1000km from me) to collect the certificate. I need

I was told by the Uitenhage office that I could request for the document to be printed at the Vredenburg. I am treated with disrespect by officials and in particular the area supervisor a Mr Kotze who refuses to send me the contact detail of his supervisor.

The document is urgently required for my sons Visa application at the Portuguese Consulate in Cape Town. I have a deadline of a week, and failure for the department to issue the certificate will shatter my son’s dream. He was selected at the De Beers Soccer club to represent the only South African team at one of the biggest junior international soccer tournaments in Estoril Portugal.

I have attached all relevant documentation.

Please could someone attend to this matter urgently to get this certificate issued at the office in Vredenburg as soon as possible.

Kind regards
Archibold Mzuvukile Figlan
March 10, 2018, 10:29 a.m.
Dear Mr Redelinghuys

Many thanks for your mail received yesterday.

I have forwarded your request for urgent attention to the relevant department in DHA and will revert with feedback the minute I receive anything concrete from them.

Kind Regards

Amanda Beukes
Public Liaison Officer
Office number: 021 403 2606
Fax number: 021 461 0092

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From: Assistance
Sent: 10 March, 2018 10:26 AM
To: 'archiboldfiglan' <>
Subject: UBC - ID 0308295689084

Thanks Archie

Will attend to it.

Kind Regards

Amanda Beukes
Public Liaison Officer
Office number: 021 403 2606
Fax number: 021 461 0092

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From: archiboldfiglan [mailto:]
Sent: 9 March, 2018 12:43 PM
To: Assistance <<mailto:>>
Subject: Fwd: Urgent assistance required: Waiting 2 years for a Unabridged birth certificate