Eden sent a message to Ntokozo Khonziwe Fortunate Hlonyana.

Ntokozo Khonziwe Fortunate Hlonyana
Nov. 22, 2024, 3:02 p.m.
Good day EFF,

I hope all is well.

I would like to report an offensive article that has been posted regarding our Country's history in terms of our Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996:

Please read: https://mg.co.za/thought-leader/opinion/2023-10-22-the-vanished-eden-of-sas-first-people/

I rule out the article in terms of the following facts and circumstances based on South Africa's Constitution:
Settler-colonial genocide -- Genocide in itself is colonization, which is illegal and a crime in terms of The Statute of the International Criminal Court.
The following words are forbidden to mention about our country and in our country: “Caffres" and "Hottentot"
condemned “civilisation” -- Who condemns civilisation when Nelson Mandela rooted for a highly developed culture? This is discrimination in itself.
“blue-eyed devils” of Europe -- Devils Advocates is illegal in our country and certain white supremacists have adopted the term in recent decades, causing diversity by instilling Ethnicity, which in itself is categorization genocide and still exist after the 1994 fight for freedom, until today 21 November 2024. I re-open all discrimination cases opened for the past 30 years.
Our country has been rooting for categorization genocide for over 30 years, yet we celebrate 30 years of freedom how??
This is illegal discrimination and I call on President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa to remove and condemn Ethnicity with immediate effect in the whole of South Africa, including Orania.

I condemn Ethnicity in South Africa in terms of our legal Constitution, because we are the human race. No person is the colour black or white, this is gaslighting, which causes psychological brain damage due to the fact that humans were forced to believe that they are a certain type of colour. There is no such thing as diversity in colour because we are one human race, beautifully colourless and wonderfully made by our Almighty, our Abba Father. Even so with religion, whether we are Muslim, Christian, Hindu and all the above, we have ONE connection and it stems from our worldly Father Abraham, therefore we enforce with immediate effect the law of love of the Messiah to fight against a genocidal war, including anti-apartheid colour association forced upon our humanitarian civilisation.

Silapha to end black magic used to control people as per the Romans that did the same to the Messiah, never again will our God allow snake poison to be used as a weapon to lessen our power as humans and then create slavery from it. We did not have a choice, we were used as attempted murder slaves to scare us from standing up for ourselves. Any human that legalizes black magic to control another human and still call them black to this day is a fool racist and colour blind individual. So I say invite cultural mutual respect and END ethnicity with immediate effect.

with love,
I am Eden.

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