Unresolved Identity

Phineas sent a message to Malusi Gigaba.

Malusi Gigaba
Unresolved Identity
May 26, 2018, 12:20 a.m.
Dear Sir

I hope this letter finds you well..I request your assistance.In May 2014 I got married to my wife but we couldn't register our marriage because home affairs says records show that my wife is NOT a south African. We were then asked to produce documents to prove that she was, that included a letter from her primary school and from the hospital she was born including her parents ID documents.We did that in 2014..In august 2017 our baby boy was born,we couldn't get him a birth certificate because of the same problem and we were told the person who received the documents in 2014 did nothing with them..We went to Pretoria but we were sent to our local home affairs office..there we were told to resubmit the same documents that were required in 2014..we did in November 2017.. until today nothing has happened,when we go to the home affairs office they say its still under investigation even after such a long time..in April this year I sent as as am email to lungile mkulise ,on the 20th she asked for my wife ID no which I did send..27 days later there was no response,I sent another e mail on the16 until now there is no response.... please help,my wife is a south African and we have submitted all the documents they requested, but for 4 years nothing has happened

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