Unabridged birth certificate

Robin Knuttel sent a message to Leon Amos Schreiber.

Leon Amos Schreiber
Robin Knuttel
Unabridged birth certificate
Nov. 6, 2024, 4:25 a.m.
Mr Schreiber Hi, I hope you can help me. My name is Robin Knuttel. I have been trying for 16 years to Have my name added to my daughters Birth certificate Someone by accident put a line through my name On the original Form, that was Filled in in the hospital when My daughter was born So when they issued The Birth Certificate My name was left off the birth certificate. Now, i'm unable to get an unabridged birth certificate with my name and my wife's name on the Birth Certificate I've tried so many times but I've been unsuccessful. Please. Can somebody help me? All I need to do is have my name. Added to her Birth Certificate.So I can get an unabridged Birth Certificate It has cost me a lot of money. I have applied over 10 times to get my name on the Birth Certificate, but they keep giving me the same birth. Certificate with my wife's name on it only. My daughter will not be able to write her metric exams if she doesn't get this Birth Certificate, please I'm begging of you Help me like I say I've been trying for sixteen years to get this done. I've sent this message to your office ,I did get reply but the security on the email says be careful this email is not coming from inside home Affairs I got 2 emails back asking for the same info three days apart so I
don't know if the emails are legit Please can someone who can help contact me please thank you.

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