UKZN Registration and Fees

Nomthandazo Msane sent a message to John Henry Steenhuisen.

John Henry Steenhuisen
Nomthandazo Msane
UKZN Registration and Fees
March 30, 2021, 1:55 p.m.
Greetings Mr Steenhuisen. I am Nomthandazo Msane an honours applicant at UKZN . I am currently struggling with my registration fees and the 15% of outstanding fees the university management demands we pay. I am a qualified SACE registered educator who has been appkying for a job for years without getting employed because i dont have the money to bribe anyone nor am i politically connected within the right cirles. I have been employed by the University as a mentor and tutor but this contract will be terminated if i am not a registered student in 2021. My residence has been approved but i will lose that too if i don't register. Most importantly I will lose my offer as an honors student. If i lose my residence i become homeless because i don't have a home. Please help me persuade our staff management to extend registration as other instutions have done and for our registration to take place on our campuses manually for every student. Because staff members are taking advantage of the current Covid regulations in place. They are working from home and ignoring our emails. I need R17 000 in total in order to register. Ibdon't qualify for a loan with anyone because i am not permanently employed and i earn less than R3500. Please help me fight for UKZN students to register and at least pay off their debts while studying. UCT and Wits hhave allowed their students to register regardless of their outstanding fees. Thank you.
John Henry Steenhuisen
April 7, 2021, 12:24 p.m.
Dear Nomthandazo,

I trust this email finds you well.

Thank you for writing to us and the content of which is noted.

Firstly let us congratulate you on the journey you have taken so far, we are always delighted to know of South Africans who are trailblazers and education remains the only key that can unlock South Africa’s true potential.

That being said the Democratic Alliance is a Nonprofit Organization, as such it relies heavily on donation in order to run its day-to-day operations.

Notwithstanding your request is a noble request, due to this reliance on donations we cannot be able to help you with your request.

Most private companies assist students via the Corporate Social Investment and I would implore you to get into contact with as many companies as you can.

On behalf of the Democratic Alliance I wish you the best of luck.


Office of the DA leader