TV License Fees amendment Bill, MK deployment

Joe Black sent a message to John Henry Steenhuisen and Cornelius Petrus Mulder.

John Henry Steenhuisen, Cornelius Petrus Mulder
Joe Black
TV License Fees amendment Bill, MK deployment
Feb. 14, 2021, 6:24 p.m.
Dear Sirs

1. I write to you as leader of the opposition, because writing to the Ruling party will definitely just fall onto deaf ears, as a result of their continual in ability to come up with logical reasoning and problem solving for continual problems arising due to a lack of leadership ability including the last mentioned.

2. The amendment bill for the licensing of electronic equipment to obtain funds for the SABC, that was a well profit generating organization, but turned into a Oliver Twist "Please sir, can I have some more" of the tax payer and general public.

3. This amendment bill is another example of the inabilities to logically reason and adapt with changing times, recognizing that it is currently the 21st Century and not the 19th century(not 20th) where bureaucratic and outorative rule was the means of the day where people had to just blindly follow and submit, even if it means that it will be their end.

4. If we look at the idea of expanding the electronic devices to be licensed and streaming services to collect fees, no one has to tell what the implications will be:

a. Various businesses now issue their employees with PC's and Laptops and Tablets for
the execution of their work, for data capturing, meetings, presentations with clients etc. If
business is to license this, it will just be another financial and administrative burden on
them in an already difficult economic environment.
b. With the last said, this will also apply to all levels of Government, from the presidency,
parliament, provincial and local government. If an investigation is conducted to
determine if this levels of government is currently paying TV silence fees, you know, for
all the information TV sets in municipal offices, in board rooms etc. I can guarantee that
it will highlight a miserable failure to pay currently, never mind on the expanded
electronic equipment description.
c. A lot of motor vehicles have entertainment center installed in them, especially all the
blue light vehicles of government. By definition, this will also fall under the requirements
of licensing, do not know how this will be controlled for licensing, by Motor dealerships,
owners etc.
d. Electronic items are purchased through online international platforms, Aliexpress,
Amazon etc, how will this be managed?

5. In the end the government did not think this through to be able to apply their mind (if they have any) as to how to adapt to the current 21st Century where technology is used in everything, their mind set is of that of Musica, that is to recently close their doors. If you do not adapt, it will be the end. The solution to this problem is actually simple:

a. Cancel TV licenses. Implement streaming license. How will this work:
b. The same as ICASA annual radio license fee, where you pay for a spectrum. Users
needs to purchase on an annual basis and i issued with license number.
c. Streaming services and dish providers like DSTV, STARSAT etc, then can easily add
this requirement into registration block for services when connecting. The same for
streaming services like NETFLIX, SHOWMAX etc. This will ensure that the service of
collecting fees remain with SABC and not assigned to Retail outlets etc to collect,
whose business will definitely suffer.
d. With Streaming license for users, a broader spectrum of users will pay and not a small
percentage of population, already burdened.

6. The next matter is the MKVA, apparently there is now no distinction between party and state, when it comes to former military wings. The SANDF was formed from SADF and Liberation Armies. This was done through the passing of legislation as well as the management of veterans through the Military veterans act 2011.

7. Currently the MKVA as a wing of the ruling party acts as a mercenary force in total disregard of the constitution and legislation of this country, with the ruling party and the Government not taking any action. Their recent deployment at NKANDLA funded by private business makes them either a security force where they need to comply to the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001 or mercenaries, that makes their deployment a violation in terms of:
The Prohibition of Mercenary Activities and Regulation of Certain Activities in Country of Armed Conflict Act 27 of 2006

8. So in fact the leaders of ANC and the MKVA, all members deployed as well as the funders, needs to be arrested. The best the ruling party will do or our country's president is probably to establish a new commission to investigate the behaviour and to amend laws in their favour.

9. I would appreciate if you can interpret this, evaluate and present for debate or write to the speaker or any other action, if you agree with it.
John Henry Steenhuisen
July 30, 2021, 2:39 p.m.
Dear Mr Black

We acknowledge receipt of your email to Mr Steenhuisen.

The content of your correspondence is noted and the issues you raise in connection with the TV Licence Fees Amendment Bill and MKVA will be brought to the attention of the relevant shadow ministers.

Kind regards,
Leader's Office