Transfer to a different high school

Gillian October sent a message to Marie Elizabeth Sukers.

Marie Elizabeth Sukers
Gillian October
Transfer to a different high school
Nov. 3, 2021, 8:57 a.m.
Good morning Miss Sukers.

Mikhael Matthew October

Originally when we applied for high schools Elsies River was on our list and he was accepted, but due to the fact that my son is studying towards a mechanical engineer we opted for St. Andrews Technical High School. It’s a technical high school and it was or what we though would be the perfect fit. Last year we found out that the school no longer do the N1 and N2 on school, next year he needs to choose his subjects in the line he will be studying towards. St. Andrews don’t have Pure Maths , the school and area are riddled with gangsterism. I fear for my son’s life on a daily basis, the public transport don’t drive in the area where the school is allocated. We live opposite ERHS not even a 3 min walk, but for the past two years we have been struggling to get him transferred. Since February 2020 I have been at Elsies River High School on several occasions begging for place for my son, but every time they turn me away. At the end of the day my son’s life and education mean the world to me. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards
Gillian October

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