Tibetans and Uighurs and other minorities need our help

Dr Antony Goedhals sent a message to Naledi Pandor.

Naledi Pandor
Dr Antony Goedhals
Tibetans and Uighurs and other minorities need our help
Jan. 15, 2024, 3:22 p.m.
Dear Dr Pandor

We as South Africans need to begin standing up against the terrible suffering of minorities in China - such as Tibetans and Uighurs. This is especially relevant to us in SA, as China is making inroads into Africa - and will strip us bare of natural resources as well as human capital and industrial agency. The SA clothing industry, for example, has been destroyed by our new "friends".

We need to stand up against bullies like China and say NO to further violations of human rights in their country and outlying territories. Even the Chinese people themselves are living in a dystopian nightmare, where they are constantly surveilled and denied freedoms of thought and expression, and the right to live the lives they choose.

History will judge you and the government you represent harshly, unless you act now to condemn the CCP's gross violations of human dignity.


Dr Antony Goedhals

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