Theatre New Audience Development concern and proposed action plan

Vusi Mazibuko sent a message to Gayton Mc Kenzie.

Gayton Mc Kenzie
Vusi Mazibuko
Theatre New Audience Development concern and proposed action plan
Feb. 2, 2025, 10:44 p.m.
Sawubona Minister.

Without wasting your time,I'm a concerned playwright with one stage play that was fortunate to get private funding for production. It is a story about my personal life before and after I acquired a disability.

Although the play "a plague of heroes" won accolades at Baxter, Playhouse and Grahamstown arts festival,I became discouraged and concerned about the very poor attendance of audience in theatres. I than took it upon myself to do something as a creative in order to contribute towards new audience (younger generation) development.

I have been working on many ideas from 2009 and reading a lot on the subject until I came up with a concept that I feel can be the best to ignite arts participation and appreciation amongst the youth, children.

Im not sure how may I present this document to your attention or any other relevant stakeholders,without causing prejudice or commitment to the minister.

Your guidance would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely
Vusi Mazibuko

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