suffering in th country during apartheid

harry pimpton sent a message to Zwelivelile Mandlesizwe Dalibhunga Mandela.

Zwelivelile Mandlesizwe Dalibhunga Mandela
harry pimpton
suffering in th country during apartheid
Nov. 1, 2021, 6:15 a.m.
you obviously know nothing of the severe suffering of Africans during the apartheid in the country when you state israel is such a state. They were in effect treated like SLAVES ! There is no such thing in israel or by its government...
the definition of apartheid--" an official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of SA ..etc etc.
israel has no such policy nor are any people segregated since they all live and work in the same country albeit that some are in the Gaza etc. Nearly 100,000 Palestinians"commute' to work in israel--yes they need a background check which is well understood since some choose to murder jews with knives or bombs.
please read up on history and you will also learn that the hebrew people according to archealogical evidence were there long before palestinians.

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