- To
Chris Hunsinger
- From
Bonolo Patrick Bantobetse
- Subject
- Speed deterrent idea and revenue maximising
- Date
- Oct. 28, 2024, 1:29 p.m.
My idea could save lives by deterring speeding and could also lead to lots of revenues being collected by the Department of Transport.
I’m introducing a new device that will be known as the “Road Monitoring and Traffic Enforcement” device (Road M.A.T.E.), that will attempt to reduce the speed of vehicles by monitoring vehicles’ speed via a speed-detecting device that will communicate vehicles travelling above the speed limit automatically to the Department of Transport without human intervention nor input.
This system or method of monitoring/tracking vehicles’ speeds will eradicate traffic officers who use speed traps alongside the road and will also render speed detecting cameras useless as this new method/system of speed-detecting will be so efficient.
This is because Road M.A.T.E. will consist of a vehicle speed tracking/monitoring device that will be placed inside a vehicle and this speed tracking/monitoring device that will be placed inside the vehicle will be able to relay/communicate the vehicle’s speed to a computer that would be placed at the Department of Roads and Transport offices.
The computer that will be placed at the Department of Transport will be responsible for issuing out traffic fines automatically without human intervention nor input because there will be a software or application that will be installed on the Department of Transport computer that will allow the computer, just like a GPS system, to know the following:
* the names of all the streets or roads in the country.
* the speed limits of those roads and streets.
* the speeds of all vehicles on all the roads.
So, for instance if a vehicle is driving on the National Road number 1, the computer at the Department of Transport will know that the vehicle is travelling on the National Road number 1. The computer at the Department of Transport will also know at what speed the vehicle is travelling at. If the speed limit for the National Road number 1 is 120 kilometers per hour and the vehicle is travelling at 110 kilometers per hour, then the computer at the Department of Transport will not issue a traffic fine to the driver of the vehicle as this driver would be travelling at a speed that would be below the National Road number 1’s speed limit. However, should the driver of the vehicle proceed to travel at 140 kilometers per hour, then the computer will be obliged to issue out a traffic fine to the driver that would be travelling at 140 kilometers per hour as he or she would be speeding and travelling at a speed that would be above the speed limit of 120 kilometers per hour. The Department of Transport can decide whether to give vehicle drivers leeway to travel at an extra 10 kilometers per hour above the speed limit or not. For instance, if the driver of the vehicle on the National Road number 1 was to travel at 130 kilometers when the speed limit of that National Road number 1 is 120 kilometers per hour, then the Department of Transport could refrain from proceeding to issue out a speeding fine via the computer at the Department of Transport as this vehicle driver would be travelling at a speed that would be allowed by the Department of Transport.
This is a good system to monitor and deter vehicle drivers from speeding as the vehicle drivers will not be able to “hide” from the monitoring computer that would be placed at the Department of Transport offices and the vehicle drivers will not be able to remove the speed-detecting device that would be placed inside their vehicles as this speed-detecting device will be installed inside the vehicle without the driver of the vehicle being present to see where inside the vehicle the speed-detecting device would be getting placed.
This is a very good system as it will operate on all the roads and streets in a country unlike the “traffic officers alongside the road” system as the traffic officers are not present on each and every road which allows other drivers of vehicles on those “traffic officers-free roads” a dangerous chance to speed as there would be no way of these speedsters getting caught.
The Road M.A.T.E. system will also operate 24/7, 365 days a year unlike “the traffic officers alongside the road” system because traffic officers knock-off at around 5pm in the evening which allows speedsters a chance to speed and cause accidents after traffic officers’ working hours so there will be constant monitoring of speed because of my Road M.A.T.E. idea.
The Department of Transport will be able to collect more revenues as my Road M.A.T.E. idea will operate on all streets and roads in a country without the limitation of not having enough traffic officers to place alongside the roads and my Road M.A.T.E. idea system will keep on issuing out traffic fines 24 hours per day unlike when traffic officers work from 8am until 4pm.
I believe that with your input my Road M.A.T.E idea will lead to a lot of libeing saved and less people being inflicted with disabilities from car crashe.
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