Speak up for Tibetan and Uyghur children in China

Anneke Potgieter sent a message to Naledi Pandor.

Naledi Pandor
Anneke Potgieter
Speak up for Tibetan and Uyghur children in China
Jan. 17, 2024, 6:10 a.m.
We have a chance to speak up during China’s Universal Periodic Review next week. We should make specific and measurable recommendations, instead of vague and general ones that help the Chinese government get away with the abuses they commit.

Tibetan and Uyghur kids are being taken away from their families by Chinese authorities. This is heartbreaking. We can and should help stop this. Speak up for those children during China’s Universal Periodic Review at the UN next week!

China has been hiding what they do to the Uyghurs and Tibetans by using its economic influence to manipulate how countries vote at the UN and not allowing independent and free investigations. Money can’t buy our conscience, we need to speak up!

I urge you to stand with Uyghurs, Tibetans, journalists, and human rights lawyers facing oppression by the Chinese government, and raise the mounting evidence of abuses, including the UN Human Rights High Commissioner’s 2022 Uyghur report. Everything we raise will be on record and judged by the future.

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