South Africa's Financial Woes

Patricia sent a message to Vincent George Smith.

Vincent George Smith
South Africa's Financial Woes
Feb. 20, 2019, 11:05 a.m.
Dear Mister Smith

An audit must be done on all staff's credentials in the work place. The problems SAA, SABC, ESKOM, SASSA is not only financial but could be mismanagement as people are in positions that but does not have the qualifications for the positions they are in. See copies of degree's and diplomas without stamps and signatures.

Example: An orthopaedic surgeon cannot operate on a person's brain, that is the neuro surgeons department, now this is the case in SA

Secondly, why does South Africa take a man out of a position if he is doing good and the country is prospering? They are causing their own problems by doing this. A perfect example is SARS.

Thirdly, people do not want Freedom of Press, nor do they want a spy unit, because they want freedom to deceive, steal, and just do anything, leading to the horror films we are watching in the likes of SAA, SABC, ESKOM, SASSA and the ones we are not even aware of

Lastly, people taken into government jobs and parliament positions should fill in confidentiality and anti-corruption clauses, and failure to comply, should be jailed.
See the mess of the State Capture Horrific.

There is hope if we do the right thing and select the right people

Kind Regards & God bless you Mr Smith

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