South African Post Office

NHS Risk Pty Ltd sent a message to Mkhuleko Hlengwa.

Mkhuleko Hlengwa
NHS Risk Pty Ltd
South African Post Office
Nov. 30, 2021, 7:27 a.m.
It is interesting to note news reports that SAPO requires a bailout of R8 billion. Is the SCOPA Chair aware that the SAPO spent R36 022 349.50 between March 2020 and August 2020 on PPE? Prices reflect mark ups of anything between 100% and 500%.

Does the Chair not think before SAPO can request from the fiscus R8billion, the SAPO should demonstrate it's commitment to clean governance?

It is a singular peculiarity that the entire Group Executive under Mark Barnes has been replaced since his departure? Why? What does this do for institutional memory, continuity and essentially, the overall stability of the organisation.

This information was conveyed in a report to the then Minister, on 24 August 2020, Ms Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies by Ms Catharina Van Der Sandt, ACTING CHAIRPERSON: SAPO BOARD.

On 29 September 2020 a memo was sent requesting a full multidisciplinary investigation into irregularities within Supply Chain Management. This was requested by Refilwe Kekana the Acting COO and BAC Chair for approval by Reneilwe Langa Acting CEO.

This investigation requested the support of Treasury and other organs of state such as the Auditor General among others. Included in the scope was mean to be the massive and inflated PPE spend alluded to.

Nothing has come of any of this.

It is our view that the SAPO cannot expect any financial intervention that requires funding in the form of a bailout as long as cabals continue to exist in the organisation with no appetite for remedial action or proper governance and oversight, ready to continue to plunder.


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