Somerset hospital, corona virus

Lynda Hyman sent a message to John Henry Steenhuisen.

John Henry Steenhuisen
Lynda Hyman
Somerset hospital, corona virus
June 5, 2020, 8:12 p.m.
Dear John, this is a letter I posted on Facebook, please read it, I have put all my faith in you to ensure something will be done about this matter,
Regards Lynda Hyman:

I am sending this to John Steenhuizen, in the hopes that something can be done to prevent this happening to anyone else

OK, here goes.   Here I am sitting alone in my bedroom at home, feeling depressed, waiting to find out if I have Covid.  I have taken good care of myself by social distancing for the past 3 months and never went out at I all. I stay on a farm so it was easy.  On the 29th of May I was admitted to the casualty ward at New Somerset Hospital, Capetown, with DKA, and for anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's Diabetic Ketoacidosis. It's life threatening and I was very ill but I survived through the night.  Please note that when I went into hospital, I was clear of the virus, and told them so. They agreed but said when you are admitted to hospital, the test is a mere formality, and that it doesn't matter. The next day I was transferred to another ward, but the porter who came to fetch me was so overbearing and rude, he just wouldn't listen to me.  He had a wheelchair and shouted at me to sit and pointed at the chair. I am 75 and I think he was just fed up with old people. Anyway I got into the wheelchair and he took me up to the 7th floor.  When we got there I saw it said in big letters outside the ward, COVID. I immediately reacted and said, I don't have covid so I am not going in there, to which he reacted, you have to, you are under investigation. I protested again and he said, oh don't be so difficult on a Saturday afternoon, and proceeded to push me into the ward.  I was just left there to sort myself out.  Please everyone, bear in mind that I am a serious diabetic and also have high blood pressure, both of which make me more susceptible to the virus than anyone else.  It was the most horrendous experience I have ever experienced. I had been given diuretics for my diabetes, and because of my weakened state from the DKA, was unable to get out of bed to go to the toilet, so ended up wetting my bed and pyjamas and was left to lie there all night in a wet bed until they changed my bedding the next morning. I got the feeling that they decided to ignore me because they probably thought I had the virus anyway.  Please God forgive me if I am wrong.  Also note that the results of the covid test I had done, came back NEGATIVE, which means I was right, I didn't have the virus, so I had been put through that experience unnecessarily.  Also let me mention that one of the patients in the ward with me, died during the night, adding to my anxiety even more about catching the virus. My whole point of writing this is that none of this would have happened if the porter had not been so rude and just listened to what I was saying. I should not have been put in that ward to begin with, the fact that I was a DKA patient should have been a good enough reason to keep me out of there. All they had to do was leave me me exactly where I was because I was safe there.  Needless to say, I requested to be discharged on the Sunday, and that took the whole day, it was dark when I left there. This was a horrible mistake, and if I get the virus and die, there can be no apology because there is no going back. Obviously, IF I do get the virus, it will because the hospital gave it to me. Only time will tell, it is now my 5th day since I was admitted to that ward, so just pray for me and hope I get through this, I'm not ready to leave my family and friends yet

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