Some encouragement to our ward counselor- Midvaal ward number 7

Pascal Cobbaert sent a message to Darren Bergman.

Darren Bergman
Pascal Cobbaert
Some encouragement to our ward counselor- Midvaal ward number 7
Feb. 2, 2024, 3:17 p.m.
Dear Darren Bergman

i hope you are well.

i wanted to reach out to you to see if you would be able to help encourage our ward counsellor Lesley Theresa Holden Visser to hear our plea for our road (Bronk Lane- Eikenhoff, Midvaal) to be tarred. We have been living on this road for over 25 years, and in 2010 a budget of 3.2 million rand was set aside to Tar the road- unfortunately, only 400m of the 4 km road was tarred, and the rest of the money had disappeared (under former counsellor Malcom hack).

right now, the road is in a poor state, it is meant to be graded two to three times a year and hasn't been for 3 years at this point. the most challenging time of year is the rainy season, when it rains, about half a meter of dirt turns to Mud, and this makes the road impassable- limiting residents, and business owners' access to their homes and businesses.

i am not sure if you would be able to help bring this road to the top of her agenda list in an upcoming Midvaal integrated development plan meeting on the 19th of February - but any help would be of great appreciation.

All the best


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