Smart ID card for Citizens by descent.

Ferdi sent a message to Leon Amos Schreiber.

Leon Amos Schreiber
Smart ID card for Citizens by descent.
July 17, 2024, 4:08 p.m.
Dear Honourable Schreiber,

I am writing to enquire about the eligibility for smart ID cards as there is currently a lot of conflicting information. I have been turned away twice from Somerset West home affairs and Bellville when I went to apply for my smart ID and they said only citizens born in SA can get the smart ID. I am a citizen by descent born to a South African parent and NOT a naturalised citizen.

I have seen correspondence from the previous minister of home affairs that this is not the case and I should have been able to apply for my smart ID. Please advise what the policy is so I don't get turned away. P.S I have seen other foreign born SA citizens with the smart ID card as well which means this is definitely possible.

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