Slow service

Mmamatsha Lekololwane sent a message to Bheki Cele.

Bheki Cele
Mmamatsha Lekololwane
Slow service
April 4, 2018, 11:59 a.m.
Mr Bheki Cele my name is Ms Mmamatsha Lekololwane residing in Mmabatho unit 9. On the 28 March 2018 i went at 7 am just to certify some documents. I went early because I was on my way to work. Work started at 8 am. I was the second one in the line but I had to stay for more than hour to be helped. The one guy helping said that there were not enough police at the station and that 7 were on duty and expected to fill all the sections of the police station.

I was eventually helped By the captain who complained about shortage of staff. Mr Cele please can you try to help us the people of Mmabatho by reinstating the police who applied last year and still have not heard anything. So as to help the shortage of staff at Mahikeng police station for it serves a greater part of Mahikeng.

If I had come there for a serious crime that had occurred I would have sat there for more than an hour whilst the criminals got a chance to run away.

I put my trust in you that u r going to change our policing to the better.
Bheki Cele
April 4, 2018, 3:04 p.m.
Good day

Please note that Sharon have moved to SAPS her new contact is <mailto:> If you need assistance from DAFF contact <mailto:>

Kind regards