Service Delivery Failure

Patience Hlaise sent a message to David Dabede Mabuza, Gwede Mantashe, John Henry Steenhuisen, Julius Sello Malema and Pieter Groenewald.

David Dabede Mabuza, Gwede Mantashe, John Henry Steenhuisen, Julius Sello Malema, Pieter Groenewald
Patience Hlaise
Service Delivery Failure
Dec. 14, 2022, 11:32 a.m.
Good day. I live in a complex of 8 homes in Pretoria North, Gauteng. Our municipality has disconnected our electricity for over seven years, and nothing has been done on a municipal level. I've appealed to my DA ward councillor and her superior with no success.

We moved in with no knowledge of this issue, and all attempts to sort it out have failed. Please assist us. Due to the lack of power, squatters have taken up residence in a vacant home. We have children and elderly people living under awful conditions.

I understand that this might be a trivial issue to you, but you have the influence to at least bring attention to our plight and hopefully bring about a resolution.

I am writing to you out of sheer desperation. Thank you for reading.

Future replies will be published here.