Scientific survey of members of the National Assembly of South Africa

Gemma Mateo (University of Salzburg) sent a message to Alexandra Jennifer Beukes.

Alexandra Jennifer Beukes
Gemma Mateo (University of Salzburg)
Scientific survey of members of the National Assembly of South Africa
Aug. 3, 2021, 9:45 a.m.
Dear Ms Beukes,

recently we contacted you as member of the National Assembly of South Africa to ask if you would assist us by participating in an online survey. Please allow us to ask you once more to spend no more than 3 minutes filling out the survey. This is absolutely essential for the success of our study.

Your response would help us better understand the attitudes of parliamentarians in South Africa towards trade agreements. At a time when trade agreements receive considerable public attention, improving our understanding of how members of parliament see them is of high importance. Once the study is completed, we would be happy to share the results with you if you desire.

The survey is part of a research project directed by Prof. Andreas Dür from the University of Salzburg, Austria, and funded by the European Research Council (ERC). It deals with the attitudes of members of parliament towards international trade agreements. You can find out more on the project by visiting its webpage at

To take the survey, please click the following link:

Alternatively, you find the questions at the bottom of this email. You can simply reply to this email and add your responses right below each question.

All information collected will be anonymized and only used for academic research. We do not anticipate that taking this survey will contain any risk or inconvenience to you. Furthermore, your participation is strictly voluntary and you may withdraw your participation at any time. Completing the survey will be considered your consent to participate. This study was approved by the ethics committee of the University of Salzburg. You can download a detailed information sheet here.

Thank you very much in advance for your assisting us in this academic research. Your collaboration is absolutely essential for the success of our study. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate contacting us at

Best regards,

Dr Gemma Mateo González
University of Salzburg, Austria

Future replies will be published here.