47 SANDF MEMBERS UNFAIR DISMISSAL sent a message to Thandi Ruth Modise, Natasha Wendy Anita Mazzone, Mkhuleko Hlengwa, Bantu Holomisa and Pieter Groenewald.
- To
Thandi Ruth Modise,
Natasha Wendy Anita Mazzone,
Mkhuleko Hlengwa,
Bantu Holomisa,
Pieter Groenewald
- From
- Subject
- Date
- June 9, 2020, 1:58 p.m.
We acknowledge your busy schedule and all commitments during this difficult time when the entire world is fighting the spread of covid-19. And we appreciate all your good efforts in cubbing the spread of this virus. We apologize should you find the below inappropriate, concider this our only option. We wish not to take this matter to the Public protector. That will just extend the duration of our suffering with our families.
We are military officers with an injustice concern over South African National Defence management, particularly the Minister of Defence Mrs Nqakula and Chief of SANDF General S Shoke. 47 military officers where unfairly dismissed November 2015 on allegations of breaking a military code of conduct. The process of administration that took place for our dismissal was an unlawful labor practice and unconstitutional.
A long story short, 2015 November the matter was referred to North Gauteng Pretoria High Court. And the first Judgement was delivered on the 30th of August 2018 ruling in our favor that we must be reinstated effectively with all our back payments and benefits from the date of our dismissal. SANDF appealed the delivered Judgement. September 2019 a second Judgement was delivered enforcing the previous Judgement. SANDF reinstated only eight (8) members from 47 members. November 2019 they filled a petition application with the Supreme Court of Appeal and their application was immediately dismissed with instructions to reinstate us immediately. Till to date there's no reinstatement taken place.
Misuse of power and position : SANDF is in contempt of the Court order. And their (SANDF) legal division acknowledge that, besides to say the situation about this matter is beyond their control. After three Judgements delivered, they unwilling to adhere to the Court order. It clearly shows they undermine our country's Justice system. Perhaps they intentionally prolonging this unnecessary litigation to victimize the members. At whose expense? State resources for sure. They were ordered to pay cost incurred in this matter. We have been patient long enough. We have families that needs to be fed. Remember we are 47 well trained military officers who can't find employment and we do not want to use our skills on illegal projects. We still loyal to the system.Now that we have brought this matter in the house. We would like to highlight that on the 10th of November 2015, we were issued with letters of dismissal and later the following year (2016) around March /April we received letters from the Government Pension Fund that we have resigned after payouts of our pension funds. We have no idea who resigned on our behalf. We foresaw the Government Pension Fund department was misled about our administration. That's unlawful and illegal (fraud).
Numerous times we have contacted SANDF HR division about our reinstatement. We received nothing but misleading information. We are in a terrible situation with our families and we even lost our properties in the process. Honourable members, desparate times calls for desparate measures. We hope you find the above in order and your intervention will be highly appreciated. Please contact SANDU offices incase you would like to verify the above.
Thank You
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