Roads Repair & Regulating Taxi Industry

James Saxon sent a message to Barbara Creecy.

Barbara Creecy
James Saxon
Roads Repair & Regulating Taxi Industry
July 19, 2024, 3:17 p.m.
Dear Ms. Creecy,

It is hoped that the tender method of road repair (filling potholes and resurfacing) be done away with and replaced with in-house road repairs. Even if that’s shared among two provinces because of lack of funding. Tenders have caused bumps on roads because of not smoothing the repaired tar similar to potholes filled and within a week the hole develops again. How on earth can a tender be paid in full before the work begins?

Regulation of the taxi industry must be a priority for this government. Taxi stops suddenly in blind spots to pick up passengers which is dangerous to the vehicle following. Unroadworthy Taxis used to transport school children.

Future replies will be published here.