Road accident decrease project (captains claw)

Captain Thomas sent a message to Fikile Mbalula.

Fikile Mbalula
Captain Thomas
Road accident decrease project (captains claw)
June 18, 2019, 10:21 p.m.
Good day Sir
Thanks for taking the time to look at my mail. I would like to present a project that would dramatically assist with decreasing the number of road deaths on our South African roads. It is designed for the lowest possible capital out lay , heralding results that will be
tangible from day one. All that's needed is governments backing in the sense of making it law and by focusing on vehicle safety and consistently reprimanding offenders independently from our existing enforcement agencies that are clearly failing our people due to bribary and corruption.Sir I have been slowly putting this project together since I lost a brother to a road accident in 1998.
Yours sincerely
Thomas Captain

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