- To
David Dabede Mabuza,
Nyiko Floyd Shivambu,
Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi,
Julius Sello Malema
- From
- Subject
- Return to Residences for Students
- Date
- April 10, 2020, 3:43 p.m.
To whom it may concern
During this worldwide pandemic, in as much as we are to keep safe from the spread of the virus, one also has to remain sane and the Lockdown hasn't necessarily served us any justice on that regard, our academics matter to us and we cannot afford to have a wasted year due to numerous reasons, not to mention the obvious financial reasons which are often the case in more instances than one, universities such as The University of Pretoria have already made steps towards achieving this, but the only problem is they haven't necessarily made provisions for students to return to their respective residences,especially more now since the Lockdown has been extended even further.
So as a result we'd like to propose that the Government of South Africa allows us to continue with our academics at our respective residences through E-learning where we will have proper access to Wifi without any data difficulties, not to mention the advantage of being in a conducive environment for studying as opposed to being at home.
This may be the perfect time to transition into the 4th Industrial Revolution, which can prove to be positive for our Education system as a whole and view us as a leader amongst the rest, instead of halting education completely we can capitalize on this opportunity and allow students to swiftly continue with their academics albeit online, but progress is progress as opposed to just sitting around at home and waiting for a vaccine to be discovered whilst our academics are put on hold, not to mention the negative impact that will have on our mental health.
We have a number of requests we hope to have granted to us:
1. Government should allow students to have the liberty of returning back to their residences so as to continue with their academics
We also add that every student should first go to the Police Station to acquire a Permit which will grant them permission to travel to their respective residence, so as to avoid cases of false pretenses from individuals who are not students and may use this as excuse to just travel.
2.All students must be kept in a quarantine in their respective residences where each student will be subjected to be screened for any Symptoms before entering the Residence Premises
3.WiFi router length must be extended in all residence where students will be able to access learning websites like blackboard without the crisis of data.
4.The university must assist in providing free sanitizers in all corridors, rooms and bathrooms, there must also be online workshops on how to effectively prevent the spread of covid19 and how to use E-learning effectively.
5.No contact class must take place so as to adhere to the social distancing rule as prescribed by the president of South Africa.
We therefore hope and believe that our proposal will be taken into consideration and there will be necessary actions taken which will benefit all the students of South Africa.
Thank you
University students
Future replies will be published here.