Restorative Justice
Pat Molepo sent a message to Gratitude Magwanishe.
- To
Gratitude Magwanishe
- From
Pat Molepo
- Subject
- Restorative Justice
- Date
- Sept. 17, 2019, 7:40 p.m.
We are a Community based Advice office in Seshego, Polokwane,Limpopo Province and we assist indigent persons with free legal assistance and also provide community outreach programs as a workshops in the following:
Domestic Violence
Human Trafficking including Trafficking of Persons, Organ Trafficking and Drug Trafficking.
Children’s Rights
Maintanance (papgeld)
Socio Economic Rights
Social Security Law
Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Restorative Justice
Court Annexed Mediation
HIV/AIDS and the Law
We attempted to assist the department of correctional services in Limpopo pro bono about restorative justice as a representative of our local community but without any assistance.
We further believe that most people are languishing in our jails as most are on remand, hence our correctional centers are overcrowded and we think there must be something to revisit our remand laws in South Africa as many youths are victims as such.
Our plea is that we request you to please inform us as to who must we contact in our province to offer this valuable service of us for free and therefore move access to justice forward.
You are our last beacon of hope as we were referred to people who informed us that they can not make any decision as they are not authorized to do so.
Thank you.
Pat Molepo
Community Advice and Law Centre
TEL: 0737171754
FAX: 0865495928
Future replies will be published here.