Restoration to our people

Rene Wynne sent a message to Pieter Groenewald, Sango Patekile Holomisa and Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis.

Pieter Groenewald, Sango Patekile Holomisa, Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis
Rene Wynne
Restoration to our people
Nov. 4, 2021, 4:45 p.m.
Dear Sir and Madam

We the Kwe of the Cape Flats, ask that you sincerely try and restore worth amongst our people.
Our Kraal has a view and mission to guide and build the future of our children.
We urge you to allow us Self Identification, Self Determination so that, our children can grow up and rebuild their heritage/land.
To do this we need land, we need you to support us and safe the little dignity that's left.
Should we find open land would you consider lending us the land for 5 years

You hope you'll consider looking or calling us, for any question that may arise.

Yours sincerely
Rene Wynne
Cape a flats- Elsies River
Cape Town

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