restitution of land rights farm Klippan IP 140 KK DISTRICK NORTHWEST

THIBEDI ABRAM BHUDAZA sent a message to Thoko Didiza.

Thoko Didiza
restitution of land rights farm Klippan IP 140 KK DISTRICK NORTHWEST
Jan. 19, 2023, 2:50 p.m.
In terms of act mention above , my family request the restitution of Klippan farm detailing all concerns regarding the claim since then, it does create misunderstanding amongst its claimants. some of took an advantage of becoming bona fide nor indirect dissendened of klippan and / Lielifontein farms (known as Ramotlakane CPA - KK and Bojanala districk cross boarder municipality, NW province)
Request and intervene on followings:
* updated restitution of KLIPPAN farm IP 140 KK Districk
* tittle deeds of the farm
* clarity on section 42D / post settlement grants
*able to assist with recap programme if still valid
* water and mineral rights of land claim
* provincial dept. (land and rural development) delays our claim encouraging claimants to lease back land to former land owner it must stop and developmental stage to implemented
* promote healthy environment amongst former land owner to vacate our land

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