Research Proposal

Ms Msomi sent a message to Nomalungelo Gina.

Nomalungelo Gina
Ms Msomi
Research Proposal
Feb. 13, 2019, 10:23 a.m.
Goodday Ms Gina, hope all is well.
I am currently doing my research on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and South African unskilled labour force, ejected from the TVET Colleges as a casing point. My focus however is on Elangeni College in Durban. The focal point of interest is to conduct an investigation, towards the technological bridge from the Three Stream Model, to the output into the labour market(from the Colleges), with the current increase if unemployment, lack of artisans, (un)skilled labour-force and information to technology innovation in the TVET Colleges. If there is any information you might assist with, I would be highly appreciative,in order for one to venture into their research robustly.

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