Re:khoshwane community trust/Land restitution

Sbusiso Cele sent a message to .

Sbusiso Cele
Re:khoshwane community trust/Land restitution
April 28, 2021, 8:31 p.m.
Dear minister
I'm am writing this email with heavy heart, last year I have written to your office in KZN and nationally requesting assistance regarding the challenges that we have as khoshwane community trust. Khoshwane community is located under Ray nkonyeni municipality in KZN.
To make my story short as from 2016 to 2019 we were at the high court in the Pietermaritzburg where we were fighting with corupt land reform government officials, who were involved in subverting the processes and policies of our government, by signing lease agreement with previous owner's of farms which were bought by government for the community of khoshwane, the capture of some of the board members for their own corrupt benefits, the court findings were in favour of the community of khoshwane, Court case number 10359/7 by judge Mnguni, some of your officials, are involved in sawing division amongst the members of the khoshwane board so that they can continue with looting of the resources that are meant for the community of khoshwane.

Todate we have managed to elect a new board of trustees as per the instruction of the court, this was in December 2020, under difficult circumstances where we were given all the odd reason by your officials to ensure that elections were delayed or derailed, we have been requesting your officials to arrange a meeting with the new board so that we can pave a way forward for starting the process of amongst other things, resettlement of the beneficiaries who want to be resettled on the farm, since there was money allocated for post settlement and planning, secondly to get copies of the title deeds for the farms that have already been transferred to the community, thirdly to get accountability on the farms that have already been transferred to the community but are used by other people without the authority from the khoshwane community trust.
Lastly minister, we really seek your assistance, we are battling to get help from the provincial DG of KZN we have written to him, and he has decided to ignore us, and we believe the reason for them ignoring our community, is the issue of wrotten apples amongst them, Who are stealing from poor people, as I speak to you now we want to know what happened to the money that was supposed to be use for recapitalization of the farms, and we want to know when the government is planning to settle farm's that were approved for restitution in terms of section 42D, but have not been settled by the government according to our knowledge if that is true, because your department is so corrupt we don't even know what to believe from them.

I can forward to you the court judgement and letter's that we have written to your officials and KZN portfolio committee for agriculture and land reform without being responded to.

Thank you for taking your time to read this email hopefully something fruitful Will come out of this email, I'm looking forward to further engagement on this important matter.

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