Regarding infrastructure development project in Swaneville
Phillip Motloung sent a message to Faith Muthambi.
- To
Faith Muthambi
- From
Phillip Motloung
- Subject
- Regarding infrastructure development project in Swaneville
- Date
- May 14, 2021, 5:20 p.m.
Hi Mrs Muthambi
I write to you regarding the lake of employment rotation going on at Swaneville under Mogale City municipal. As the president Mr Cyril Ramsposa literally mentioned that the infrastructure development project will be deployed in our community to develop the infrastructure, skill development and job creation. However in my area there is an ongoing project Dithou opersting however there has been only same team employment since no employment rotation whenever we asked for a job they keep saying the no job the project will come to an end in two weeks time subsequently not so it's proceed, and the community is complaining about the selection transparency. Please kindly intervene urgently.
Future replies will be published here.