- To
Paulnita Marais
- From
Kwanele Loliwe
- Subject
- Date
- March 6, 2024, 3:33 p.m.
Aluta Fighter
I kindly request assistance for this complaint for NOT being paid my SRD R350 grant, the whole year 2023 except for December 2023 .. .whereas other months are also approved but NO payment dates when I checked the status online. This is beginning to get under the skin of my nose now precisely because I called the call center on many occasions but in vain to get help and now I'm sick and getting tired of being told to wait -- there is NO turn around time .. .I waited the whole year last year but only to receive R350 for december 2023. Therefore, I demand all the outstanding amounts that are due to me to be urgently paid to my bank account, I provided SASSA -- with an immediate effect on this month 23 February 2024 as the have approved and gave me the pay date so I want all the money for those months to be consolidated on this pay date.
I was initialy told that I've changed from Grinrod to ABSA before bank verification was completed . Therefore, it will be paid the outstanding amounts into my ABSA account. But still to date I never got paid that money.
However, that is NOT the real reason for the delays of my money. They are a LiARS -- that's a "blue lie" .. .the real reason is: it's their incompetence because they didn't pay even when I didn't change my banking details for all the outstanding months. And, how come you didn't pay all the outstanding amount to ABSA bank? You only paid for December 2023 whereas you can see on my profile that I still have outstanding balance and have already been approved but they still fail to pay all my monies. The ABSA bank has completed verification but still didn't pay the monies that are due to me. Why didn't they consolidate all these outstanding months and pay it directly to my bank account, instead of paying for one month?
I called the customer care line and wrote a number of emails to SASSA grant enquiries on quite a number of occasions since last year but all my efforts to get the funding were in vain. Nobody ever cared about me -- I'm being overlooked and ignored but only to be told to be "patient, there is no turnaround time" when writing emails to SASSA or calling their customer care line and now I'm "sick & getting tired" to hear that .. .I can't listen to it anymore. I need food to put on the table now!!
Their (SASSA) systems are so unprofessional (how come they only paid December 2023, whereas the person who is doing pay dates and making payments can see on my profile that other months are being approved -- yet refrain from paying them. I strongly believe the funding for this scheme is administered by illiterate peoples.
And, they must stop telling me to be patient (patient - woku nuka). They must pay me all the money that is owed to me by the institutions -- I want to eat now I don't have food on the table.
These SASSA employees (Nombulelo Khence) are lying. They always make lame excuses no matter what. The last time I checked my profile (account) they said I must be patient because there are so many South Africans that are receiving R350 SRD Grant and the employees who are doing pay dates were NOT available last year and they do NOT have communication with them.
Bear in mind that; this was long before I changed the payment method because they were NO longer disburse funding to Post Offices and Retail Stores and then I uploaded my Capitec Banking details on my profile but that didn't make any difference till I updated my banking details to ABSA Bank in November 2023 towards month-end, however, they only paid for one month (which is December 2023) whereas they (the person who was making payment) can see on my profile (account) that I have other previous months that are approved without payment dates .. .instead of consolidating all the outstanding amounts that are due to me and pay them to my account -- they are making a "scape-goat" simply because I changed my banking details to capitec bank but they have paid one month to ABSA. This does NOT make sense and now "I'm sick and getting tired" of their thread-bare excuses and being told to be patient (patient woku nuka).
I want to see pay dates on my status so that I know the matter has been attended to. The waiting time should be 24 hours or 78 hours at least NOT years.
You go now and check on my account profile, the status .. .it's declined for January 2024 for the means of income source identified without any supporting evidence from their side. Off which I don't know what the hell they are talking about because I do NOT have any means for income and you can find the proof (ABSA Banking statement) attached herewith this email.
Stepping further back, I never received nor registered for NSFAS funding from January to July 2023 as they are claiming (alleging) that -- please also find the proof (Capitec Banking statements) attached here with this email for the months in question.
The only months that I got money in (R 1 200) on my Bank account was 31 January 2023 form M Ndibongo and it was
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