Questions around the expulsion of FOCHA from the Red Cross Children's Hospital

Ross Metcalfe sent a message to Siviwe Gwarube.

Siviwe Gwarube
Ross Metcalfe
Questions around the expulsion of FOCHA from the Red Cross Children's Hospital
Aug. 7, 2021, 10:23 a.m.
The Friends of the Red Cross Children's Hospital ( FOCHA) was expelled from the hospital this year. It was established in the 1970s by Prof Marius Barnard. Since its foundation, approximately 500 000 volunteers have contributed to non-medical assistance in the hospital. Despite approaches to the senior staff, no explanation has been made to volunteers as to the closure of an organisation that served the public faithfully for over 40 years. I have personally emailed the head of the hospital and the head of paediatrics to get answers to my questions so that 1. A new organisation can be created to serve the parents and patients of the hospital.
2. Closure can be reached on the shabby way FOCHA staff and volunteers have been treated.
All of my approaches have been ignored.

Future replies will be published here.