Public service wage increase

Riaan Nel sent a message to Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis.

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis
Riaan Nel
Public service wage increase
May 20, 2021, 10:52 a.m.
As a DA member and a public service member I am disgusted with your comments on the wage increase the government is offering us.its easy for you that is one of the million rand mp earners to make such comments . The DA had a lot to say about the R350 covid relief money but now that the elections are coming you are fighting for the rights of the poor or is it the votes of the poor you are fighting for. It is clear that you want the public servants to join the list of the poor whilst enriching yourselves with your MP salaries
Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis
May 31, 2021, 9:57 a.m.
Dear Riaan

Sorry you feel that way.

Did you read the full DA proposal? I can send it to you if you like.

Our proposal for public wages would protect inflation related increases for front line staff (nurses, teachers, police officers, social workers and the like - all OSD staff), while focussing cuts and freezes on so-called millionaire managers - head office staff who are not OSD covered.

That said, it is undeniably true that SA’s public wage bill is unsustainably high, and must be brought down over time. For example, we are cutting R2.2 billion from the police budget this year - in the middle of a crime wave and in a country with one of the highest crime rates in the world. This is unacceptable, I am sure you will agree.

Those are the difficult choices we now are faced with because our public finances are in such crisis, mainly due to two reasons: bailouts, and the public wage bill. Both of those things need urgent intervention, otherwise South Africa will not survive - we will go bankrupt. It is as simple as that.

I encourage you to read our full proposal.

Best wishes,

Geordin Hill-Lewis