Proposed travel to Dajla Western Sahara

Amb. RADHI S. BACHIR sent a message to Stevens Mokgalapa.

Stevens Mokgalapa
Proposed travel to Dajla Western Sahara
March 13, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
I heard from Moroccan media that you have accepted to go to Dajla occupied and contested territories of Western Sahara. It is quiet regrettable because the AU has warned against any participation to this show of Crans Montana including during the very last AU january summit.
In any case Morocco has won many prizes in the distortion of history and truth and be warned about that country's manipulation.
We remain very concerned about officials participating in Crans Montana but i trust your humanity and wisdom.
Maybe you will provide me with an opportunity to meet you at your convinience on this quite sensitive issue of international implications.
Best regards
Ambassador of Sahrawi Republic
In South Africa
Stevens Mokgalapa
March 14, 2018, 4:17 p.m.
Dear Amb. Bachir

I am currently Hon Mokgalapa’s secretary. Please assist with request from Hon Mokgalapa in the below email. Thank you.

Kind regards

Levona van Duyn
Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone: +27 21 403 2771
Email: <mailto:>
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From: mokgalapa [mailto:]
Sent: 14 March 2018 01:48 PM
To: Karin Solomons
Cc: Levona van Duyn
Subject: Re: FW: Proposed travel to Dajla Western Sahara

Hi Karin .
Please arrange a meeting to meet with Saharawi Ambassador from 26 to 28th march in pretoria.get me his email amd contact details as well.