- To
Xolani Nkuleko Msimango,
Magdalena Duduzile Hlengwa,
Simphiwe Gcwele Nomvula Mbatha,
Tsholofelo Katlego Bodlani,
Alexandra Jennifer Beukes,
Madala Louis David Ntombela
- From
- Subject
- Date
- May 23, 2022, 7:27 p.m.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Wellington Antonio Doninelli Pereira <aannttoniopereira@gmail.com>
Date: segunda, 23/05/2022 à(s) 14:23
Subject: Ticket 282007
To: <francois@netelek.co.za>, ---------- Forwarded message --------- De: Emfuleni Local Municipality info@emfuleni.gov.za Date: sexta, 20/05/2022 à(s) 12:25 Subject: Copy of: PROPOSAL FOR NEW MUNICIPAL LEGISLATION To: aannttoniopereira@gmail.com> This is a copy of the following message you sent to Gerrie Stroh via Emfuleni Local Municipality This is an enquiry email via http://emfuleni.gov.za/ from: Sipho Misheck Nkosi aannttoniopereira@gmail.com> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LY83W8lXQdT19CTBrhMkyC6yajdmD732/view?usp=sharing I would like to know how many signatures one needs for a petition to enter the municipal legislative body as new law proposal for voting in the municipal legislature, for instance, if I had 5 percent of the voting population signatures would it suffice to grant the petition a right to be voted by the local municipal parliament https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio-faleconosco/15553/4648.pdf I, Sipho Misheck Nkosi ( mishecksipho@gmail.com / https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056525295029 ), President of the South African Association of Cyber Weapon Victims in the neighborhood where I live, City of Johannesburg Gauteng province, inform The South African Human Rights Commission PAIA Unit, Private Bag 2700, HOUGHTON 2041, Tel No.: +27 11 484 8300, website: www.sahrc.org.zaFax No.: +27 11 484 1360 W, E-mail: paia@sahrc.org.za , that in complementation to protocol 20210531144432 ( Brazilian Alagoan victim of psychotronic torture Vanessa dos Santos Silva, RG: RG 2055318 SSP/AL), am reporting to the South African Parliament the search for a Federal law that can help the victims of tecnological abuse, by translating and addapting the SENDING A DRAFT OF LAW, WITH THREE SIGNATURES made by Brazilian victims to the Participatory Legislation Commission ( clp.decom@camara.leg.br ), Chamber of Deputies, Annex II, Upper Floor, Wing A, rooms 121/122. Brasilia DF. CEP: 70160-900, a shared document which I will be improving with the help of known South African vicitims, Mr. Terence Nxumalo, Davin Sparks amongst other victims of the same technological disaster in the persue of signatures for the passing of this popular law request, which in Brazil my counterparts are LOOKING FOR 1.5 MILLION SUBSCRIPTIONS, which is the minimum number os signatures requiered for the Brazilian Parliament to take up a popular new law proposal for voting, because the list of South African victims are being presented officially in Brazil by the representatives of our South African ONG in Brazil, José Aparecido dos Santos, Benedito Claudio Silva do Nascimento and Vinicius Rodrigues Coelho, we present this Petition in the for of legislative alert: Article 1 - The term PSYCHOTRONIC is created and defined in the South African federal public administration as technological abuse perpetrated by the judiciary or executive against any voters or their respective parliamentary representatives. Article 2 - Assigns to the term created and defined by article 1 the purpose of creating this term in the South African State, which will be to expose the technological abuse that is being committed against parliamentarians or their respective voters, presenting remedial measures that seek a solution. Article 3 – The exposure or correction of the abuse referred to in Article 2 will consist of eighteen paragraphs: • 1st – Place under the protection of the human rights commission of The South African Parliament all citizens who declare themselves victims of technological abuse, the so-called psychotronic torture. Single item - The V2K terminology, synthetic telepathy and the associated collective harassment, popularly called “Gang stalking”, which encompass technological abuse, are explained in Article 5, § 12, second item ; • 2nd – Document the abuse perpetrated by federal or state prosecutors, who insist on dismissing victims of technological abuse as mentally ill or schizophrenic, seeking to reassure victims of their right to be heard and to be treated as healthy and conscious people, whose health is being harmed by technological abuse; • 3rd – Articulate the integration with services (family health unit, basic health units, urgency and emergency, reference center, among others), as well as with other health professionals in the perspective that the victim who activates this law is treated as CID W90.0X, so that the right of the victim to claim that it is a technological abuse that cannot be treated as a simple congenital case is respected; • 4th – Keep the Technical Committees on Civil Defense duly updated on the victims' needs to obtain protective equipment that detects and stops psychotronic torture; • 5th – Adopt operational rules and procedures so that all activities developed in the pursuit of this law have an impact on universities and research centers; •
Future replies will be published here.