Production of Rose Geranium, a global crop, need to be exempted from a permit by DEFF

Karen Swanepoel sent a message to Barbara Creecy and Ebrahim Patel.

Barbara Creecy, Ebrahim Patel
Karen Swanepoel
Production of Rose Geranium, a global crop, need to be exempted from a permit by DEFF
April 22, 2020, 3:21 p.m.
Good day

Rose Geranium is a cultivated hybrid produced for oil in Egypt (3200ha), China (estimated 2000ha), India (estimated 2500ha), Rwanda on (estimated 200ha), Madagascar and Reunion (<200ha) but in South Africa collectively, on less than 100ha.
In South Africa, we are unable to compete with these countries. South Africans do need a permit for this global crop, which is a hybrid and can only be utilized for oil if cultivated as the wild plants have the wrong chemical profile and a very low yield The other producing countries do not need a permit.
The bulk oil in the trade is thus produced by Egypt, India and China. Rwanda is outperforming SA as well. So South Africa is importing it! Please exempt Rose Geranium from the DEFF permit so that we can trade competitively instead of importing, and create more jobs in rural areas! Trade figures prove that we are underperforming amidst huge market potential.

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