Please vote against pornography

Antoinette Ferreira sent a message to Patrick George Atkinson.

Patrick George Atkinson
Antoinette Ferreira
Please vote against pornography
Feb. 16, 2018, 2:21 p.m.
On 27 February 2018 - little over a week from today - MPs will debate and vote on the Films and Publications Amendment Bill in Parliament. If the current text of the Bill is adopted without amendments, the online distribution of the most vile and dehumanising types of pornography will soon be legal in South Africa.

Despite well documented evidence of the extensive physical, psychological and social harms of pornography, too many South Africans are still unaware that pornography is by nature (inherently) destructive. Others mistakenly believe that pornography is just a form of harmless, though morally questionable, private entertainment.

Yet pornography is not mere entertainment and its destructive consequences reach far beyond the private lives or personal morality of its viewers. Indeed, increasingly pornography is being recognised as the PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that it in fact is.

Your help will be appreciated,

Antoinette Ferreira

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