Phumla Mqashi people in need of your help urgently

contacted Musa and left a message with my contacts sent a message to Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi.

Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi
contacted Musa and left a message with my contacts
Phumla Mqashi people in need of your help urgently
July 3, 2018, 4 p.m.
Good day

Please assist we have a big problem that we need assistance with in Phumla Mqashi

1. We have people selling land from R2500 to R3000 per stand(plot ) and it’s all our staring committee people from the Chairman Sbu Ndhlovu down to ,Fanelo and Thabo and there is lots but I know of these 3 for sure.
2.We have people that call themselves our street committees that go around terrorizing people beating people up and threatening to kill them if they go to the police.
3. the chairperson himself is very corrupt because he chased someone out of their own house when we invaded that land surrounding those houses and he is staying there even now and he gets a groups of goons to come and break into people shops and take all their stock and its like a lot like 100 drunk men carrying all sorts of weapons which makes matters worse cause it means no refuge for the people in need of help I mean I’m all for taking vacant land but throwing someone out of their house is totally wrong
The unfortunate part is we have already built in our plots and unlike a shark we cannot take the house and move.

Please someone help cause there was a lady that was recently assaulted in our neighborhood and was taken to hospital and now there is goons going around to warn the people that helped her to stay out of other people’s problems.

We fearing for our life’s please please help

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