Permanent appointment

Modupi Tseole sent a message to Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi.

Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi
Modupi Tseole
Permanent appointment
June 21, 2018, 1:35 p.m.
Hounarable Dr Mbuyiseni I kindly request your office to assist us ABET educators to be employed on permanent basis, we've been appointed on contract basis. I now have 10 years experience bat still working under devious conditions of services we've been suppressed and exploited by the department of education, take note that we are not entitle for bonuses we only work for four hours a day while teachers are working for 8 hours a day, our rights as ABET educators have been voilated by the department of education and I believe ABET educators and other educators are equal, with all due respect Dr Ndlozi intervene on this matter urgently. I believe in you l believe EFF is the only party that can fight for us I believe EFF is the party that can take us out of Egypt and guide, lead , take us to promise land. EFF I believe EFF is my home EFF is the power EFF is the future Ndlozi is my leader Ndlozi is the power Ndlozi is the future Amandla EFF Amandla Ndlozi my contact numbers : 0720459222 please Dr Ndlozi help us .

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